Are you on the fence as to whether or not you should get a degree? Conceivably you have up-to-date current and are thinking about finishing up that degree? In either case, here are the top three reasons you should earn a degree online.
Earn a Degree Online To Advance Your Education You should earn a degree online to advance your education. While it is well known that college graduates have a lower risk of unemployment, enjoy better job quality, are more likely to be in high - level positions and have higher income, college graduates besides have much greater promotion prospects being of their up-to-date level of education. So whether you need to start with an associates or want to get that masters degree, these should be excellent reasons to earn a degree online.
Many jobs today prompt require a bachelors degree. According to the University Continuing Education Association, 24 percent of jobs required a bachelors degree. This scale is expected to increase. As cited on the University Continuing Education Association website, between 2004 and 2014, 19 million new jobs are expected to be added. Of the 19 million new jobs, 36 percent will require at least a bachelors degree and 27 percent will require a minimum of some college education. In all, this accumulates to 63 percent of all new jobs requiring a minimum of some college education. Earn a degree online and you can remain competitive in the workforce and enjoy greater job stability.
Earn a Degree Online To Do Good For Society Earn a degree online and you have better chances to contribute to your community and society. A report titled Education Pays: The Benefits of Higher Education for Individuals and Society puts forward that college graduates contribute more to society and make better decisions than those who dont graduate from college. A more education work force makes for a stronger democracy. In the 2004 presidential election, more college graduates voted when compared to those who did not graduate from college as found in a report titled Education Pays. In one age group, 76 percent of college graduates voted vs. 49 percent of high school graduates that voted.
Those with a college education also tend to vonlunteer more. In 2006, 43 percent of surveyees with a minimum of a bachelors degree volunteered whereas only 20 percent of surveyees with high school as the highest level of education volunteered. With an advanced education, you are better able to take care of yourself, thus allowing you to help others and your society. When you earn a degree online, you will be better able to take part in making your community a better place to live.
Earn a Degree Online While You Work So the first two reasons were compelling enough to earn a degree online, but there is one problem: you can not just quit your job for two to four years. That brings us to the third reason you should earn a degree onlineyou can still keep your job!
As online degrees become more and more popular, online college courses becoming a fast growing segment of the nation ' s higher education curriculum. While working full time and attending school may seem like a lot, online college degree programs are quite flexible and allow you to learn at your own pace. You also have the opportunity to apply what you have learned at school in the workplace. You may also be viewed as motivated and career - minded by your employers. Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electrics, was asked about someone who earned a degree online ( Business Week, January 14, 2008 ). He stated, " theyre hungry to break open new possibilities in their careers. People working all day and studying online all night have the kind of grr most companies could use. "
Earn a Degree Online and Be More Successful While there are many reasons to earn a degree, both personal and professional, these are the top three reasons to earn a degree online. Earning a degree online allows you to reach both your personal and professional goals without making you pause your life to attend classes on campus.