Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Impending Collapse of Our College Education System

The combination of the near economic collapse of our financial system in September 2008 and the worst job market since the Great Depression will directly create the perfect storm for many colleges throughout the nation. College costs have expanded an average of 5 % per year over the foregone twenty years. According to recently released reports from the College Board, most students and their families can expect to pay, on average, from $172 to $1, 096 more than last year for this year ' s tuition and fees, depending on the type of college. Private four - year college costs in 2009 averaged $26, 273 ( up 4. 4 percent from last year ). Four - year public colleges raised tuition and fees by an average of 6. 5 percent last year. Addicted the financial hardship of the country, it ' s smartly astonishing that colleges and universities would have these thoughtful of increases.

I want to be among the first to go on log in saying colleges across the nation, both public and private, are in for a rude awakening. Beginning in 2010 and growing incrementally from 2011 - 2015 there will be a decline in college enrollment never before seen, as many parents will be unable to afford the high costs of college tuition, room and board. Why?

There are a number of factors converging into a cataclysmic " perfect storm " for college - bound students. The first and most significant factor is unemployment. There is no near end in sight for the jobs market. Currently, there are approximately 17 % unemployed / underemployed, or 27 million people earning little or no income.

The second factor is home equity. Due to the collapse of the housing market, there is very little home equity around and, for those with home equity, very few banks are willing to lend.

The third factor is the student loan market. Fewer banks are willing to participate in the student loan market. Compounding that is the decline in credit worthiness of many borrowers due to job losses and credit card lines already maxed to their limits. Many students and their parents will be unable to find the money to pay for college expenses.

The last factor is endowments. Many college endowments lost 40 % of their value in 2008 - 2009. They will not be able to recover from these losses in the near term. The loss in endowment money will translate into fewer scholarships as colleges grapple with managing their existing impoverished endowment funds.

What will it all mean? The Ivy league and other top tier schools will see very little, if any, impact to their enrollments. The colleges, however, that will be devastated will be the second tier and little known, private and public college programs who will see enrollments drop precipitously over the next five years. Many will be unable to sustain themselves and will be forced to close their doors. Lower enrollments translate into fewer college graduates. With our country ' s spending seemingly out of control and a deficit which is expected to double to $24 trillion in just ten years, our nation ' s future generation will be educationally ill equipped to meet the challenge. The effects of the 2008 economic meltdown, I ' m afraid, will be with us for a very long time.

The Increasing Demands for Technology Colleges Spur the Growth of Online Courses

In the preceding, a lot of experts and analysts started predicted the possible increase of demands in the technology industry. This expectation is the main reason why a lot of technology colleges appeared on various places around the globe. A lot of schools decided to offer computer - related courses and offered them to students who want to pursue a career on the technology industry.

So what do they understand from computer - related courses? If you will effort to assess all the changes that are happening on the different aspects of life, you will surely note that everything is affected by new technologies. If you go inside a down home, you can find different gadgets and automatic cleaning materials inside. All of these are results of new technology. If you go to an office to work, you can also find new technologies like computers, high tech machineries and more.

The Internet is also one of the applications of new technologies. Today, everything can be done on the Internet. You can buy and sell products on the Internet and look for information. All these things will not be possible without the knowledge of professionals who studied computer courses.

A lot of companies and businesses around the globe, whether it is online or offline, need the knowledge and expertise of technology professionals. The main responsibility of these professionals is to develop new technologies and improve existing technologies to improve businesses process and to improve the lives of individuals around the globe. It is the main reason why the existence of technology colleges is very important.

Because of the increasing demands of IT professionals, a lot of reports stated that the current schools and colleges that are offering these courses are already insufficient to the number of students who want to pursue a career on the field. It has caused a lot of problems to the industry as well as the different colleges around the globe. They are unable to accommodate large amount of students on their current facilities. It is also said that improvements may take a lot of time so there will not be enough slots for all the students.

The good thing is that learning is not only available on physical technology colleges around the globe. You can also find some online courses that allow you to learn and get certification on your chosen computer course.

So how does it work? By applying for an online course, you also accept the terms and conditions associated with it. Basically, you do not have to go to an actual school to learn the basics. You simply need to enroll on an online course and study by yourself. The online professors will provide you with the curriculum and the resource materials that you need to learn. You can ask them different questions from time to time. You can also have a flexible schedule. You will be the one to create your schedule depending on your preference. These online courses became the current solution for the increasing demands for IT professionals.

The Importance Of College Textbooks To Students And How They Can Save Money On Buying Them

In history, textbooks have been used in plan to ensure the consistency in the coursework which were offered to the students according to the grade level of the course requirements. In today ' s textbooks, it continues to present multifarious academic benefits to the students as great as the instructors. College textbooks when used in homogeneity with a variety of other materials like online books, videos and as reference books stock up a lot of value to a student ' s education.

College textbooks were regularly used in the colleges in scheme to be used as references for learning. These books were published in order to cover the subjects in the syllabus that the students were supposed to learn. Every college student uses different college textbooks for their subjects.

One advantage in using these books is that they provide essential information. The professors are the one reliable source of the information; the textbooks were used in order to provide more information. The reason why the professors do not always impart all of the information is due to the limits in the duration of the lessons.

The textbooks also help the students in highlighting and noting the key points. These textbooks serve as a guide for an easier understanding of the subject matter. If the students note the key points, it will make it easier for them in remembering the lessons especially during the examination periods.

They can also be used for future reference. The students may always forget what their professor had taught them. Therefore, they need textbooks in order to keep referring to; they are also a tool to refresh their memory. Also a reliable source of much information needed by the college students which will help them prepare for their thesis and term papers. These textbooks will come with instructions as well as guidance for the students on the kind of questions that they would be likely to encounter in the examination.

The books also act as an aid to the instructors as well as the professors in order to ensure that their lectures were more organized. The books as a fact, are divided into chapters, the professors find them very reliable in following these chapters and make constant references to them during their teaching. In this way, the professors were helped by these textbooks especially when checking that the students were learning the subject. By doing this the professors will know which topics that their students find difficult and will also know the ones that they have already understood.

The price of the textbooks is continuously rising and there are ways that the student can save money on them. Some stores stock the previous versions of the books and these will be available at a lower cost. It is also a good idea to have a look at the online stores that stock the books as they are normally considerably cheaper than buying from bookstores. Another way to save money is to ask students at a higher level if they have finished with their books and whether they would be willing to sell them to you at a cheap price. Most of them would be willing to do this.

The History Of Secret Santa

Secret Santa is a traditional part of the Christmas festivities. Business premises, schools and colleges across the UK exchange mysterious tawdry Christmas gifts a fun, low cost way to kick annihilate the festive season and fireworks others how much you fear.

No one is precisely sure when or longitude Secret Santa originated in its today scheme, but it is thought the original Secret Santa was an American philanthropist, Larry Dean Stewart ( 1948 2007 ). He coined the name and spent 20 years doing random acts of kindness for people throughout the year. People soon cottoned on to the Secret Santa idea, seeing it as a way of exchanging cheap Christmas gifts anonymously. By the time of Larry Stewarts death Secret Santa was as part a tradition of Christmas as the day itself.

Today, Larrys legacy lives on with the charitable Secret Santa groups in the US, who help the unfortunate throughout the year. However, most people know Secret Santa as a voluntary activity in which people randomly allocate cheap Christmas gifts to their colleagues.

Secret Santa is about fun and inventiveness, and there are numerous cheap Christmas gifts that offer this opportunity. However, its important the person receiving the gift gets the joke and that those doing the giving ensure their Christmas gifts are not hiding an insult where none was intended.

Some of the best cheap Christmas gifts are those where the fun can be shared by everyone. A good laugh among friends is the best way to reinforce the true Secret Santa message.

The Importance Of Homeschool Record Keeping

Its every homeschoolers nightmare. A local school district authenticated knocks on the door and asks to penetrate your homeschool record keeping. However, after a brief moment of terror, the hit dawns that this isnt a nightmare after all. Youve done your homework and are prepared for such a visit. After spending a few organ looking over your records, the keen official human race for the door, satisfied you are in compliance with the act.

It infrequently happens, but what if it would happen to you? Would you be prepared? Record keeping is a critically important part of a homeschooling parents job. However, the importance of homeschool record keeping goes way beyond being prepared for an unexpected interview from a school official.


Why is record keeping so important? The tab of your childrens Christian homeschool education can serve many purposes beyond plainly proving compliance with the act. Progeny applying for scholarships or other honors may need school records in classification to satisfy eligibility requirements. The college application and admission process depends heavily on the existence of unbounded homeschool record keeping. In addition, a child infiltrating or re - inward a public or private school can be placed more young and appropriately if adequate records have been kept. Homeschool records also help provide the opportunity for personal and / or professional evaluation of student progress and planning for future academic pursuits. Hereafter, some families may elect to cache records for nostalgic reasons or for the principle of providing a way to showcase a childs homeschool experience for family and friends.

Still, its onerous to know footing to mount. Since no two homeschool experiences are the alike, its impossible to design a record keeping plan that works for every family. This guide is intended to provide the information you need to assist you in developing a record keeping system that meet your specific needs.

Who and When?

Whether youre a first - time home educator or a veteran who has never made homeschool record keeping a priority, every homeschooler should start keeping detailed records now! While you may never need to use some of what you collect, the benefit of having comprehensive records far outweighs the time invested to create them. Besides, it doesnt require much time in the first place? While the time required will vary from family to family, most homeschoolers must invest relatively little time in order to create and maintain a well - designed record keeping system.


Now that youve decided you should keep records of your familys homeschool, what should you maintain? The answer to this question is determined to a large extent by the consideration of several important factors:

- Where do you live?

- With what laws must you comply?

- How old is your child?

- Will your child be entering a public or private school in the future?

- Is your child college - bound?

Where you live plays a significant role in answering the question of what, In the United States, state laws govern the education of all children, including children who are schooled at home. Since failure to comply with the laws of your state can result in the loss of your right to homeschool, knowing and understanding your states laws is vitally important in determining what records you need to keep for your children. An online search for your states homeschool laws can help you determine records you are required to keep.

Another important factor to consider when determining what records to keep is the age of your children. While it is strongly recommended to keep records for all children, it is especially important to keep meticulous records for high school aged children. These records can significantly impact the college and / or job application process of your teenage child. In addition, if its likely your children will eventually be placed in a public or private school, detailed records will make the transfer process much easier, potentially eliminating the need for extensive placement testing.

Though some families have very few requirements to satisfy, they still choose to keep records of their childrens homeschool experience solely for personal and / or sentimental reasons. So, even if all you want to do is show off your childs academic abilities to family and friends, homeschool record keeping is a great idea!


There are as many different ways to keep homeschool records as there are reasons to keep them! Exactly how you keep your student records should be determined by many of the same factors considered above and may change as your homeschool journey progresses. Factors like location, age of children, academic goals, and others also affect how you should keep your records.

While there are many possible record keeping methods, one of the most effective and efficient ways to compile academic records for children of all ages is to create a portfolio, a collection of documentation intended to demonstrate a homeschool childs academic progress. The contents of a homeschool portfolio will vary from family to family according to specific legal requirements, as well as personal preference. However, a comprehensive portfolio always contains some variation of many of the following items:

Student data page: General student information, such as name, birth date, address, etc.

Medical records required by law, such as immunizations

Documentation of compliance with state requirements that may or may not include the following items:

- List of specific goals and objectives for each academic subject

- Documentation of communication with local school district officials

- List of educational materials utilized, including author and publishing information for all books, curriculum, DVDs / videos, and software

- Sampling of student work in all subject areas, particularly those required by law like math and science: Samples should be representative of both type ( workbook pages, written compositions, quizzes, and tests ) and quality of work completed by the student.

- Documentation of required and / or voluntary assessment: Assessment can be measured and reported through a variety of means, including report cards, standardized testing, professional evaluations, grade reports, and transcripts.

Report of extracurricular activities, such as field trips, homeschool group or church activities, sports, music, drama, etc. These can be presented in journal format and may include photographs and student assignments specific to the activity.

Documentation of special awards, honors, accomplishments, and achievements earned.

A portfolio can be compiled completely from scratch or can be created using packaged record keeping programs available in a variety of formats. Electronic curriculum options, such as online or computer - based curriculum can provide easy access to much of the documentation needed to put together a complete record of your childrens home education.

So, why are you waiting? Wherever you are on your homeschool journey, dont wait for a knock on the door to begin your homeschool record keeping. Start creating a record of your childrens homeschool experience today!

The Importance of a Higher Education

Looking back, it ' s easy to recognize why education was important for me, and it ' s easy to refine why it ' s important for you. The key question to answer is: can you watch why it ' s important? Sometimes that ' s difficult, especially when you ' re flip side it or vim through it. Second childhood of education can seem like a eternity of undertaking. Regularly school can be drab, and there are many more entertaining things to do than sit in a classroom. Nevertheless, instead of glad eye your school endeavor as a go of stretch, think of it as an investment of a continuance - an investment in you and your go.

Take it from someone who make-believe a good adjudication to sweat solid and obtain a high school diploma, consequently a Bachelor of Science degree from the local university, education is a key to success. More specifically, an education provides opportunities for upward and sideward flow.

Of course there were distractions to deal with at school, like entering the workforce and earning money, chasing the reverse gender, and pending out with friends, but thankfully I kept my sights set on graduating, and never veered off course. And, I ' ve never regretted my resolve or the force it took to achieve my educational goals.

Here are six good reasons why you should make the most of the time you spend in school. This isn ' t an exhaustive list by any means, but it ' s a good start, and should be more than sufficient to convince you to rededicate yourself to a good education as a wise investment in you - an investment that can ' t be taken away and goes with you throughout your life.

1. Whether it ' s high school or college level classes, your interest and performance will help point you in a general direction of a career path. Your aptitude is uncovered by more than just a few tests. Often it ' s shown in your skill and level of participation in various classes. If I followed the interests that my aptitude tests indicated back when I was in high school, I ' d be a forest ranger right now, looking forward to another 12 years of work before I retired. Instead, I early retired five years ago after running my own consulting business for just seven years.

2. Education helps you become a more well - rounded individual by exposing you to different ideas and learning how to apply them at least in a limited way. For the most part, education helps you be a generalist in many areas, and a specialist if you study in a particular area of interest. Without a broad education, you might have a very limited life where for most things brought to your attention, your response could very well be, " I don ' t know anything about that. " Opportunities in life will come your way much more readily if you at least have sufficient interest in an issue, concept, technology, activity or event to know something about it.

3. One result of a good education is the ability to define a problem and formulate a solution. You ' ll be faced with a multitude of decisions and problems in your life, and a good education will arm you with a range of tools for finding solutions. Many textbooks provide examples based in everyday life where concepts and problem solving skills can be applied to help us make decisions and draw conclusions. If we aren ' t armed with the ability to problem solve, then we must rely on others to do so. Solving problems ourselves helps make us stronger individuals, whereas relying on others simply makes us a dependent.

4. Participation in higher education shows a " can do " attitude - something that is very important for employment in the " professional " sector. It ' s usually not especially challenging to make it through high school, but those who position themselves for college or the university, while in high school, and then press on with bettering themselves through higher education, are usually individuals who have confidence in themselves and are achievement oriented. What employer wouldn ' t be interested in someone who is confident and oriented towards achievement?

5. A solid education with favorable results in terms of performance is a way of " getting your ticket punched. " In other words, some employers won ' t consider candidates unless they have a certain level of education or a specific course of study. Other employers won ' t consider candidates unless they have an acceptable level of performance in their school work. So, you can see that employers often look at education as a type of " proving ground " for their prospective employees.

6. Higher paid careers demand technical training and specialized education, and this can pay rewards over the long haul in the form of a lucrative position in a career field. The old cliche of " marry a doctor or a lawyer " isn ' t just something that someone made up because it sounded good. Doctors and lawyers are quite often highly paid and highly respected people in our communities. The same can be said for engineers, architects, scientists and many other professionals who have invested in specialized training and education for themselves. There is no guarantee that you ' ll make high income and gain the respect of the world by having a higher education, but it ' s certainly helps shift the odds in your favor, and what could be wrong with that?

So, there you have it - six good reasons to make the most out of your educational opportunities. It may be difficult when you ' re young to see why education is so important. That ' s understandable. There are so many more immediate and competing interests. Nevertheless, it ' s too late when you ' re passing through the prime of your life to go back for a re - do in terms of education. That ' s not to say that it can ' t be done, but it ' s so much more difficult to do.

Therefore, if you find yourself on a chair in a classroom, make the most of your time while you ' re in a good position to do so. Once you start down your career path, you ' ll be glad that your formal education is behind you, because you ' ll have plenty of challenges with respect to on - the - job training and continuing education as you move through your working years.

My youthful planning had me graduating high school and attending the university. There was no question in my mind that higher education was a " must, " and I wasn ' t going to start my career without it. As it turned out, I chose well, and wouldn ' t do anything different if given the opportunity to turn back the hands of time. Choose well and have yourself a happy outcome as well - choose education, for it ' s likely to be the wisest investment you ' ll ever make in and for yourself.

The Many Forms Of Attraction

In the business world today there are many different forms of attraction. Conceive about the various ways businesses bid to trail customers. Advertising is a multi - million dollar business using every animus and angle recognized to man.

Network Marketing or MLM is one of the fastest growing businesses today. The internet has grow into one of the biggest and best ways for businesses to haul new customers and conduct repeat customers coming back. I know I adore shopping in the privacy and comfort of my own home, especially during the spine-tingling holidays.

Real Estate, unduly, uses the internet to draw likely buyers from all over the world and all walks of life. Blameless expect about it: You are sitting in 2 or more layers of thick costume with the cold wind blowing in every crack and the snow piling up outside. Dont you wish you were someplace warm, say South Florida, Las Vegas, or even Spain? You can find real estate listings for all most any locale and price range, for purchase or lease.

Theme Parks and Tourist Attractions are using the internet to draw in business, especially during the economic crunch we are in these days. Many are offering exceptional discounts and packages that are only available through their online sites. Cruise Lines, Hotels and Motels, too, offer package deals featuring discounts at local attractions and for entertainment. Many of the cruise lines offer discounts on meals along with package deals at many ports - of - call.

Colleges and Universities are trying to attract more students by offering more and more courses online. By using the internet for class completion, furthering ones education can be accomplished by many who otherwise would not be able to attend due to work or other responsibilities. Almost every aspect of enrollment and instruction can be done from your computer. Even financial aid services are available online.

Financial and credit institutions also offer online services. Dont you hate having to take time off work to pay bills? Or leave early and still not make it before they close the doors for the day? Now you dont have to worry about any of that or waiting in long lines. Just use your personal computer to make bill paying easier, faster, and more convenient for yourself.

And then there is the Attraction we all think about when we hear the word. Physical or sexual attraction of course is the first thing that comes to mind. Ever wonder why you are attracted to a certain type of person? Or even why you are not attracted to another type? Most experts agree that pheromones have a lot to do with our preferences when dealing with the opposite sex. Still others say it is because of our past experiences or even our opinion of ourself. Either way, we each know what we like and we know it when we see it.

These are just a few examples of Attractions that I found interesting. There are many more that I never thought of as such, but I guess it is all in the way you look at it.

The Hurricane Simulator

While ambulatory through the local mall I discovered the Hurricane Simulator. For a mere $2 you parade into a closet - sized, windowed pen, aha the door closed and be in a hurricane. The simulator winds embark on slowly and therefore race to 78 mph. WOW! Outsiders can look the excite seekers hair flying and the soundless giggles many. Its great merry although short lived.

Society has its own hurricane simulator that usually blows children right into our classrooms. Its called life and its like the hurricane simulator only it lasts a lot longer and recurrently isnt midpoint as much good. The State Center on Family Homelessness construct one in 50 American children are secluded. The economy is making the scrape worse.

Mike Cleary, reporter for the South Florida Sun - Sentinel reported recently that there are approximately 50, 000 comfortless children in Florida. These figures were gathered during interviews with Shirley Favali of Broward Outreach Center and Patricia Mantis of Broward Field Coalition to End Homelessness. Dianne Cover Sepielli, the Broward Province, FL School Board ' s coordinator for secluded education estimates approximately 1, 600 reclusive children enrolled in Broward Monarchy. Claudia Tuck, division director for Palm Beach Commonwealth Human Services estimates 953 disconsolate children enrolled in Palm Beach Realm, FL school system.

In addition to children experiencing the insecurity of being disconsolate, there are thousands of children in homes who are coping with the stress of a parent serving in the military. The numerous deployments and separations created by the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan are often not spoken of. However, you tube. com and newspapers often report on surprise reunions of military families. Its then you can see just how much these children have been holding in emotionally while trying to function in our classrooms.

Every year classroom rosters across the country are loaded with the names of children who have moved yet again - this time into our area and our classrooms. The winds of change bring children who live without their parents, who live with foster parents, who live in cars, tents, and shelters, and who either go without meals or have inadequate meals, and often who go without health care. Some have parents in jails. Growing up for them comes fast and hard. Its not simulated; its not fun; and its brutal.

In the 1950s educators used a short film entitled, A Desk For Billy. The film told the plight of a young student whose parents were migrant workers - Billy never really had a desk to call his own because he was always on the move. Billy never had much of anything permanent - no house, no school, no friends. Needless to say, Billy didnt look very happy in the film. At the end of the film, when the director panned to Billys vacant desk, the viewer was left to wonder, What happened to Billy? We never found out.

So whats it really like for a young student to be faced with negotiating a new building, a new authority figure, new peers, new rulesnot once but often while at the same time coping with these unimaginable stresses outside the classroom?

Teachers may not recognize these troubled children because its easy to look at them and think all is well. They put up a brave front. They are embarrassed about their situation. They hide the teasing they get from other children and the worry they experience wondering how they will get by. All the while they take on the adult responsibility for trying to encourage their parent. As educators, we are the soldiers on the front lines in our civilized society. It remains our responsibility to anticipate and reduce the anxieties and stresses these students have and to help them assimilate into our classrooms. Here are a few ways to answer some of those unvoiced questions.

Schedule a time for children to tour their new surroundings. Visit the entire school and grounds. Children are very concrete in their thinking. It can be very comforting to actually walk - through and view the entire new school. Taking pictures of the child in his new surroundings is something that be used to make a mini - memory book of his visit. Its something to hold onto and something to be re - read. It can be shared with his family.

Introduce the child to the new rule makers. Making time to meet the entire school staff begins to make school his home away from home. When children have the opportunity to build a relationship with new authority figures, to see them and be welcomed by them, they begin to feel a part of the new school team. Make sure the child understands that school is a safe place where adults can help with many problems. Its a place where adults will listen with compassion.

Planning opportunities for new students to work with other classmates will help them get to know each other. Some teachers ask a veteran classmate to become the mentor or special buddy for the new child. Sometimes the special buddy knows better than anyone the concerns of the new child. Staff needs to keep an ear open for teasing or shunning from other classmates.

Providing the child with an explanation of the way the classroom operates is important. What are the rules? What are the schedules? Providing a new student with this information can help him get re - organized. It might be considered a new students Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.

Paying close attention to all students all the time. In todays quickly changing environment a child might be secure in a home one day, homeless the next, or parentless the day - after - tomorrow. Noticing behavior changes daily can help determine a childs situation.

The Origins Of Physiotherapy

At initial as early as the days of Hippocrates, work was used and the history of physiotherapy was already. The practice of physiotherapy has evolved through the centuries from the earliest forms to the complex system of treatment it is now.

In 460 B. C. Fleer was using a type of physiotherapy called hydrotherapy, or spatter therapy. Professionals use this type of therapy today, although it is more specialized for each type of kind that the patients have.

In 1894, there is the first evidence of a fit-out of nurses in the history of physiotherapy with a Chartered Society. Within twenty senility, physiotherapy programs were set up in other countries. New Zealand ' s instant in 1913 and America ' s in 1914.

The first American professionals in the history of physiotherapy were from the Walter Reed College and Hospital in Portland Oregon. Rather than being called physiotherapists, they were called reconstruction aides. These aides were nurses and they had a physical education background. They were important in the recovery of many World War I veterans.

Research has been done throughout the modern history of physiotherapy. In fact, right near the very beginning, a research study was done in the US. It was published in 1921. Physiotherapy research continues today in a myriad of specialties.

Also in 1921, the Physical Therapy Association was formed by Mary McMillan. This group later became the APTA, arguably the most influential organization in the American history of physiotherapy.

The Georgia Warm Springs Foundation was started in 1924 to deal with the ever - growing epidemic of polio. The foundation offered physiotherapy for these patients. Sister Kinney was known nationally for her work with polio victims. She practiced at the Mayo Clinic. The polio epidemic was a turning point in the history of physiotherapy.

After the polio epidemic had waned, the treatments of choice were massage, exercise, and traction. In about 1950, chiropractic manipulations came on the scene in the history of physiotherapy. This was most common in Great Britain.

After that time, the history of physiotherapy moved from hospitals into other arenas of service. There were, and are, physiotherapists working in clinics, private practices, nursing homes, and schools. The Orthopedics specialty of physiotherapy was born about this time, also.

The International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy came onto the scene, and began making changes and has influenced the profession ever since. Mariano Rocabado was a physiotherapist who had a profound impact. Freddy Kaltenborn, from Norway, influenced physiotherapy on the east coast of the US. At the same time, Geoffrey Maitland of Australia changed the way training was done in the history of physiotherapy.

The focus during the 1980s history of physiotherapy was on technology. New procedures came about that used computers, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and other devices. By the 1990s, interest had shifted to manual therapy, with Freddy Kaltenborn again leading the way.

During the history of physiotherapy, training and practice have changed and improved. Many brilliant pioneers have left their marks in the literature and organizations of the field. Physiotherapy is a well - respected profession as a result.

The Hidden Costs Of A College Education

When it ' s time to estimate the cost of a college education, most childhood and their parents briskly add up tuition, room and board. But what about the supplementary costs of higher education? The sticker shock of college can ofttimes move freshmen and their parents reeling. By taking a look at the broader picture in advance, preferably while awkward age are still in the early senescence of high school, parents can be better prepared to impart the true cost of today ' s college educations.

Textbooks for classes average roughly $800 per semester today, with some majors requiring books and lab equipment that cost far more. If you ' re operation to senior in engineering, you can expect to pay as much as $1, 500 some semesters during your main level courses. Add in printing supplies, notebooks and all the other school necessities as well to the tune of another $200 for the year.

One phenomenon is impending when lots of people animate together in close proximity, they will get sick. Particularly freshmen. Studies have shown that the average freshman university student spends halfway one hundred dollars on items like cold remedies, tissues, cough syrup and other over the counter medications.

The dining halls may have a lot to offer, but no student can go without pizza and burgers for too long, so we ' ll list this as a necessity. Figure on a few hundred dollars each semester for take - out and delivery foods. Be honest and adjust accordingly if you ' re really into eating out. Some people like to eat at a really nice restaurant once a week; others are fine with McDonald ' s all the time.

What about transportation? Will you be keeping a car on campus? Then you ' ll probably have to pay for a university parking permit. Will you be driving home regularly on the weekends to see your family and friends? Taking road trips with your new college friends? You ' ll need money for gasoline, upkeep on your car and auto insurance. If you will be attending school thousands of miles from home, it can be quite expensive to fly home for the holidays, so make sure you book flights well in advance to save money.

Computers are as essential as textbooks for students today. Be sure you check with your college or university to see if they recommend a particular brand or model; some offer special discounts that can save you hundreds of dollars.

Cell phones can vary vastly in cost; be sure to compare plans and check out the coverage at your school. If you can stay with a family plan that has full coverage in the area where your school is located, it ' s probably your best bet. Be aware, though, that cell phone bills for college students often go up sharply freshman year because of phone calls home and to high school friends. Text messaging can also jack up the cost, so review the bill each month and adjust your plan if need be.

Internet access is another reasonable expense that you ' ll probably want to consider if you live off - campus in an apartment. While there will be free internet access at many points on campus, including libraries and classrooms, its much easier to work from home, so the investment, which is usually less than twenty dollars a month, is worth it.

Entertainment, including movies, dances and shows, are popular on college campuses. Fortunately, the campus centers usually offer them at a reduced rate to save students a bit of money. The occasional new game cartridge, CD or MP3 download should also be budgeted for. Again, be honest with yourself when estimating how much you ' re likely to spend so that you ' re prepared.

When preparing for the hidden expenses of college, students need to sit down with their parents and honestly evaluate how much money they think they will need and plan ahead to add these to the more obvious expenses of tuition, room and board. The resulting figure they come up with will give them a more accurate idea of the real cost of a college education.

The Importance Of College

College is important. Whether a student is pursuing a music degree or a nursing degree, the need to go to college and get a degree is important. Studies have shown over the senescence that people who go to college are more likely to end up with stable high paying jobs. Of course, college isnt free. Unfortunately, possessing energetic inancial means is a main barrier for students wishing to attend a post lower institution. However, with scads government programs, scholarship programs, and financial aid available, the motivated and passionate student should be able to obtain the degree of his or her choice.

College is a forceful step up from high school, providing the specialized training necessary for various professions. It is true a select few make it big with just a high school education, but not all high school graduates are so lucky. For a secure path to employment, students can enroll in a degree such as nursing. A successful nursing grad is guaranteed access to many opportunities in the health industry. In addition, the nursing field has solid benefits, flexible work hours, and the chance to work anywhere in the world. While working at a fast food restaurant can also have flexible work hours and opportunities are all over the world, the pay is horrible, the work is repetitive and there are rarely any insurance benefits. A college education gives a person the tools and resources they need to succeed in the field of his or her choosing.

Everyone dreamed of becoming an astronaut, a scientist, or jet pilot when they were younger. However, as a person grows up their dreams change. Nevertheless, there will always be that ideal job he or she wishes they had. Whether its working for a certain company, or in an industry they are passionate about. College gives individuals the means to make that dream become a reality. Even professions in the arts such as fashion design still require a background in design to be successful these days. Likewise, a music degree will help a musician construct better songs and find alternative careers, while they wait for that big record deal.

A music degree may seem like a waste to many people. Some feel that a successful musician should have natural talent and write the next big hit without any further education. While the inspiration for a song can come from anywhere, a musician needs a lot of other tools to transform lyrics and melodies into a great song. Learning how to read and write music, understanding the technical elements of sound production, and maintaining an awareness of stylistic differences from various cultures and periods are all important skills for a successful musician. A music degree will also help equip artists with the resources to make informed decisions, and not be at the mercy of his or her agent, producers, or record label.

If a student is passionate about their education and careers, affording college wont seem as daunting. Beyond scholarships and bursaries, paying back student loans will also be easier with the jobs that a degree will open up to you.

The Importance of Solar Plexus Chakra

The third energy center of our body is the Manipura chakra, and known under the handle Solar Plexus Chakra. It is one of the seven centers - chakras, right large the second Swadhisthana and any more bawl the fourth Anahata chakra. This is one important center of our mercurial body, and a place where symbolic energy inflows homogenize and blend cool. This is the place where our own personal tension and strength dwells. This is a seat of faculty, intuitive thinking, selfe - steem, and higher plan of emotions. Manipura is the chakra tied for manifestation of friendship and it connects us with the other people. If closed, we feel isolated and alone, we feel unable to move forward, and we loose self respect and self love. Therefore it is of great importance to have this chakra properly balanced and opened toward the positive energetic influxes from the Universe. Our thoughts and emotions can affect the solar plexus chakra either positively or negatively, depending on our moods. If we feel indolent, indifferent, uneasy or restless, this may have impact on this chakra, and vice versa, if this center is closed or wrongly programmed, it can have bearing on our emotional or overall stability.

The Manipura Chakra is located in the area of the Solar Plexus, that is to say between the navel and the sternum. It is mainly of yellow color, possessing 10 petals. It opens towards the frontal part of the body, but it is attached to the spinal cord at the back side. It cannot be actually directly associated with our physical body. This center belongs to the subtle network of energy channels and wheels that represents an energetic basis for the proper functioning of our body. If this seat is awakened, this can makes us truly respectful of and able to apprehend our life and our Divine nature.

On the physical level, the Manipura chakra affects the area of the body close to its location. This means that the stomach, kidneys, liver, intestines, spline, and pancreas are directly under its influence. Almost all physical disturbances have once had their origin on the psychic, mental and emotional levels. If wrong ideas, thoughts and feelings prevail for a longer period of time, they start to descend toward the material manifestation levels, and eventually end up as disruptions on the physical plane. We should fight against the emotional blockage at the level of the Manipura chakra, by cultivating friendship, self respect, good will and openness towards other people, instead of provoking anger, fear, passion, and anxiety. Properly balanced, healthy and opened solar plexus chakra is a good natural way to fight depression and depressive feelings.

The Importance of FAFSA for Applying for College Grants

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid ( FAFSA ) is the best way to apply for a college grant or a scholarship that could help pay for college. This online application design is a real time - saver, as you dont have to dissipate slab more time observation research on the Internet about scholarships and grants you are eligible for and you can again increase your chances at getting an advantageous grant by submitting your application on the FAFSA website.

You onliest have to access their website to learn about the eligibility criteria and other propitious information you need to consider while applying for a college grant. Understanding the instructions correctly is the first step of making sure you dont miss out on the opportunity to obtain a good scholarship. Check out their FAQ section and try to get clear answers to all the issues that may arise because any mistakes or misunderstandings will lead to your elimination.

It is imperious to fill out the application form correctly and in strict accordance with reality. Usually, many student applications are rejected even from the beginning due to mistakes or inadvertences in their application forms. Collect all the documents you might need before you fill out and submit the application, to make sure you are eligible for such grant.

The main documents you ' ll need at hand are bank statements, driver ' s license, Social Security Number and tax returns. Having all these documents at hand before you start completing the application form will definitely help you win time and enter correct information. Also, this is a good way to make sure you do have all the necessary documents in case you must submit them.

A more efficient way of signing the FAFSA application is by means of FAFSA pin, which is a unique and personal identification number you can obtain on the FAFSA website. This number will allow you to sign electronically your application form and to grant you access on the status of your applications. You can use the FAFSA pin to apply for other financial products in the future, but students are limited to using this number in order to verify the status of their application.

The best way to maximize your chances of obtaining a great scholarship would be to sign up for it in time. Check the FAFSA deadline to see when it ' s best to fill out the application form. If you are organized and responsible, you are very likely to receive positive outcomes.

The Last Nizam Of Hyderabad

Osman Ali Sovereign Asaf Jah VII was the last Nizam of the princely state of Hyderabad who ruled Hyderabad from 1911 to 1948. Hyderabad underneath his rule witnessed many cultural, economic and administrative reforms. Although praised for many of his developments, he is very prominent for his Razakar movement location he was accused of reinforcing passion.

Born to Mir Mahboob Ali Potentate Asaf Jah VI, Osman Ali Monarch became apparent heir to the sovereignty of Hyderabad after departure of his above brother in 1887. Many celebrated scholars were engaged to teach him Urdu, Persian, and English. He was a great egghead and wrote poetry in Persian and Urdu.

Richest man in the world:

Mir Osman Ali Overlord succeeded his father Mir Mahboob Ali Tycoon on his passing in 1911. The state of Hyderabad was the largest of the princely states with an area of 86, 000 square miles or 2, 23, 000 sq. kms, which is nearly the size of todays United Kingdom. Nizam was considered as the richest man during his days. He is Fifth on Forbes All Time Wealthiest list of 2008. He was even featured on the cover of the 1937 Time magazine. It was estimated that he had $2 billion fortune in early 1940s.

Developments under his rule:

One of Nizams first assignments after he ascended to throne was to take Mokshagundam Visweswaraiahs advice on how to control the floods and use the excess floodwater. He undertook work of embankment of the Musi River and constructed Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar Dams at Gandipet on Visweswaraiahs advice. It was because of his foresight and commitment to the welfare of his people, old city suffered minimum damage in the recent floods. He also undertook some irrigation projects on the Tungabhadra River.

It is said that upto 11 percent of the Nizams budget was spent on education. He set up many schools, colleges, universities including Osmania University and even a Department for Translation. He made primary education compulsory and provided free of cost education to the weaker sections of the society. He made immense donations to many institutions such as the Jamia Nizamia, the Darul Uloom Deoband, the Banaras Hindu University and even to some universities abroad.

The Nizam was responsible for starting earliest public sector undertakings such as Nizam Sugar Factory and Singareni Collieries. He set up the City Improvement Board and replaced slums with planned colonies.

Mir Osman Ali Khan started his own bank called the Hyderabad State Bank, which is now referred as State Bank of Hyderabad. Hyderabad was the only state which had its own currency, the Hyderabadi rupee, in British India.

During his reign, many major buildings like Osmania General Hospital, Andhra Pradesh High Court, Asafiya Library ( State Central Library ), Town Hall ( Assembly Hall ), Jubilee Hall, Hyderabad Museum ( State Museum ), and the magnificent Hyderabad House at New Delhi were built.

Mir Osman Ali Khan was one of the great rulers of Hyderabad, who initiated many development programs in Hyderabad. Developments under his rule speak out his passion to serve the people. Despite of his major contribution to the developments in Hyderabad, he is often criticized for his only ambitious desire of becoming independent with the help of Razakars. Mir Osman Ali Khan died on 24th February, 1967.

The High Cost of College Textbooks

The ever rising cost of college textbooks is an subject with midpoint every university student. At the inauguration of each semester, students have to spend hundreds to dollars to buy books. The question here is - Is well-qualified rasher way that students can buy cheap books?

A report by State Public Interest Research Groups in 2005 ring in that an average student spent around $900 every year on textbooks. The prices of books have risen since then.


One of the main reasons why college textbooks are so heirloom is in that they are overpriced. The main culprits for this are the publishers, who recite high prices. In actuality, the US Department of Education ' s Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance admitted in 2007 that prices of college books were kept artificially high even though crackerjack was a huge demand from the buyers.

Market Controlled By Publishers

Today, the market of college books is controlled by suppliers. The publishers set the prices. Your college bookstore has no control. The publishers of college textbooks are in the habit of bringing new editions quite frequently. Most students hesitate to buy old editions fearing that they will miss out on something. In fact, many professors list a new edition in their book list every semester. Therefore, most students end up buying new books and thus pay more for college books.

Most textbooks are overpriced, because they come in packages, which might include CDs and other supplementary materials. Most students do not require these extras; however, they are forced to give more money because of these extras.

Most publishers do not do anything about the high cost of college textbooks. Why would they? College books are one of the most profitable sectors for the publishing industry.

Considering the fact that an average cost of a new textbook is around $53 ( some books can cost as high as $200 ), what should a student do? There are several ways for a student to save on textbooks.

Saving On Books

Online books stores are growing popular, because they offer cheap college textbooks. However, in order to save, you need to plan. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on the syllabus. Professors are required to select their textbooks before the semester begins. If you have already planned to take a particular class in the next semester, you can get in touch with the professor and find out which textbooks would be required.

When you know which college textbooks would be used, you can start searching for the books online. So, when you shop before the semester starts, you can find good discounts and used copies. If there is not much difference in the new and older edition, buy the old edition.

Another great way to save on college books is to buy from friends. You can also borrow from the library or share books with your friends. But remember to keep your books in good condition, because you can resell them and invest that money in books for the next semester.

The Most Popular Sports In The United States

All around the globe, on component disposed time, you will find some sort of sports wonder on your local television station or on bulletin. With networks avid solely to sports, you can find things like boxing, bowling, fishing, basketball, football, baseball and soccer on 24 hours a ticks! Most days you will be able to identify sports live, either by watching pee - wee, high school, college and even professional sports events. Most ticket prices for local sports are equitable and you and your whole family can be entertained the excitement of the game!

When you look at the bourgeois of the United States, experienced are several sports that seem to be much more popular than others. They, of course, will cost you a bit more to attend, but the thrill of being there will make the price well worth it. The most popular sports in the United States today, being watched live and on screens, are:

1. Baseball is one of the top sports being played in the United States. Having been played in the United States the longest, baseball attracts millions of fans to ball fields every year. There isnt just professional baseball to keep many Americans busy, though. Proud parents everywhere enjoy watching their children learn and play the game. What a great feeling when you see your child hit the ball or score a run! As the old song goes, Take me out to the ball game!. When it comes to sports, professional and amateur, baseball is ranked right up there at the top.

2. Football began as a college sport in the United States in the mid 1800s. Football is truly the American Sport, since it is played in the United States exclusively. It has grown from being played only in college to having professional teams and being played by students in both elementary and high schools. The Super Bowl is one of the most watched television events when it comes to sports, and it determines which one of the many professional football teams will be considered the best for that year!

3. Basketball is a popular sport worldwide. The number of people around the world playing basketball can reach a staggering 300 million! Basketball is one of the only professional sports in the United States to welcome foreign players onto teams, with many players of professional basketball being recruited from other countries and brought to the United States to play.

4. Hockey is one of the newer sports gaining popularity with the American public. It did not originate in the United States, but it has found its way into our sporting life and become one of the fastest growing sports. Ice hockey is the most popular form of this sport, with street hockey being popular with older kids everywhere.

You may be asking Where is golf and soccer on this list? Well, although both sports are gaining in popularity, neither one meets the level of fans of the sports listed above.

The Importance of Visiting Colleges to Find That Perfect Fit!

Visiting colleges is an absolutely critical part of your student ' s decision of locality to attend. Hour it is an investment of wage and time, it will save you scratch in the long break. There ' s insignificancy worse than sending your student asphyxiate to a college they have never visited before, only to nose out that there is some key element there that wasn ' t apparent on the glossy four - color college brochures, which positively drives your student screw loose. Your child will be spending the hard by four stimulating years of their life at this place, so making sure they like it there is wise, even if it is somewhat costly.

When you visit colleges, don ' t forget the importance of taking notes. This is important because you want to get as much personal information about the college as possible. When you apply to that college, you will be able to use all those personal details in your essays, your email communications, and your thank you follow ups.

For example, my son visited a class in the honors program when we were on a college visit, and when it came time to write his college application essay, he was able to state, " I want to go to SPU because when I heard Dr. Reinsma speak on the core relation between the French literature and the Italian Renaissance ornate architecture, I wanted to... "

Therefore, make sure you include as many details in your college visit notes as possible, so you can incorporate them into your future communication with the school. Schools keep track of the number of times you contact them, and they will be very favorably impressed to see that you were paying close attention to them during your visits.

When you do find that perfect fit college, make certain to very carefully compare financial aid offers, because those offers will come in over a long period of time, and you will want to find the one that is best for your bottom line. One college may say, " We ' re giving you $25, 000 worth of scholarships, " but if that college costs $36, 000, you ' re still going to be out $11, 000. Another college may say, " We ' re going to give you this much financial aid, " but all of their aid is a grant that you don ' t pay back.

Compare this to the college who may give you more financial aid, but it ' s all in loans that you have to pay back. And don ' t forget to factor in all the little incidentals particular to each college, such as ASB fees, parking fees, or technology fees, as well as travel home on breaks. Sometimes these details will tip the scales in favor of one college over the other.

The Iit - jee Results 2012

According to a recent report on 2012 IIT - JEE results, exam takers souped up to get admissions in IIT " " Bombay. New preference by students is the IIT - Delhi. These two are blooming admitted engineering colleges in India. The report mentioned that the out of the top 100, 77 aspirants are lament to join IIT Bombay.

Some alluring trends came up in this report about 2012 IIT - JEE results. Out of the top 100 students, 86 gave their first choice for IIT - Bombay. Delhi IIT witnessed a plunge with subordinate numeral of students preferring to join here. Only 12 from the top ranking students filled IIT Delhi as their choice of engineering college. The report also told that the top three female students out of 100 top rankers filled Bombay IIT.

One of the officials told that there are several reasons for students opting for IIT Bombay rather than IIT Delhi. Location and climatic conditions of Mumbai are reasons for such preference. Students qualifying from South India prefer Bombay to Delhi due to closeness of location. The official further added that this trend of students selecting one institute over the other does not reflect anything about the educational body.

The report also compared 2012 IIT - JEE results with a decade ago. 10 years back, IIT Kanpur was one of the top engineering colleges in the northern region. Most of the students preferred this engineering college. The top rankers from 2005 are trying to get admissions in IIT Bombay. The 2012 IIT - JEE revealed that only 3 students from top 100 gave IIT Kanpur as their choice of study. In this year " s result, the topper only opted for Delhi IIT. The next ranks till number 8th chose Bombay IIT.

Another trend, which was noticed in 2012 results, is that many opted for Computer Science and Engineering program. It was the most popular choice among the various engineering programs available in engineering colleges of Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai or any other part of India. Other programs students opted for are electrical, mechanical and aerospace engineering. Aerospace engineering at IIT Bombay was choice of students.

Girls in 2012 IIT JEE exams qualified. About 9 % girls got admissions which are low compared to last year " s 10 %. Foreign nationals are also eligible to appear in the IIT examinations and in 2012, 11 foreign nationals qualified.

IIT " " JEE entrance examination is difficult examination to crack. This engineering entrance exam gives admissions to prestigious IIT colleges of India and other reputable engineering colleges. IIT stands for Indian Institute of Technology, an autonomous body created to promote and deliver the study of various branches of engineering in India. The innovative study programs and experienced faculty makes these engineering institutes most sought after in the country. IIT have branches in Delhi, Mumbai, Kharagpur, Kanpur, Guwahati, Roorkee and Chennai. IITs in these seven cities are oldest with new ones joining the list are IIT Ropar ( 2008 ), IIT Bhubaneswar ( 2008 ), IIT Gandhinagar ( 2008 ), IIT Hyderabad ( 2008 ), IIT Patna ( 2008 ), IIT Rajasthan ( 2008 ), IIT Mandi ( 2009 ) and IIT Indore ( 2009 ). IT " " BHU, which under the management of Banaras Hindu University is now changed Indian Institute of Technology ( Banaras Hindu University ) Varanasi

The Growth of Higher Education in India

Higher education in India is gasping for dash at a time when India is aiming to be an important artist in growing erudition economy. With a huge network of about 300 universities and deemed universities, over 15, 000 colleges and hundreds of governmental and regional research institutes, Indian higher education and research sector is the third largest in the world, in terms of the number of students it is catering.

However, not flat single Indian University / Institute ( with exception of IITs ranked at 41 ) finds a mention in a recent international grading of the top 200 universities of the world.

On the other hand, it is further equally true that there is no single park and sector in the world remaining untouched that is not being benefited ( any more or indirectly ) by Indian alumni from prestigious universities, colleges and institutes congenerous as IITs, IIMs, RECs, and much more. The success mantra of Indian professionals has been sung time and again in world ' s most reputed organizations like NASA, IBM, Dell, Microsoft, Intel etc.

With changing equations in economy and corporate structure world over, classrooms have turned into the grounds of practical training, emphasizing on both individual and group performances.

Hence, education system has come a long way from being obligatory to be a graduate to moving into various arrays of vocations leading him / her to the dream job. Education has become an industry by itself, providing immense job opportunities to freshers, who foray the arena of potential job market.

With more and more Multi National Companies investing in India, the craze for Business Process Outsourcing ( BPO ) has undergone upfront boom in metropolitan and cosmopolitan townships. New companies are turning their eyes in this sector each day; with the existing companies recording rapid growth pattern at an unabated rate. The current scenario in the Indian BPO industry has diversified its attributes in number of ways and channels, from the old and existing businesses. Even its nearest competitor, IT industry shares only a few features.

The most potent features making BPO sector distinct from other industries include:

Reach: BPO industry has reached masses. Any college degree holder can be employed in this sector.

Customers: The customers of BPO industry range from diversified arenas that include mobile companies, banks, healthcare companies, insurance companies and much more.

Infrastructure: To keep people motivated against the erratic work environment, BPOs are paying very high salary packages ( INR 15, 000 TO 50, 000 ) as compared to other industries. Such high salary structures are offered to individuals despite their lower educational and professional qualifications.

Training: Those employed in a BPO sector undergo rigorous monitoring and training schedules which are of world class standards, and enhance the working capabilities of an under graduate or a graduate beyond distinction.

Quality: Driven by the customers, the Indian BPO industry like the other industries has started moving into the quality certifications like COPC, ISO9002 and BS7799. It further includes the tough standards that the service providers are required to achieve on regular basis.

Recruitment: Taking BPO industry on whole, the sector is recruiting best manpower at the entry level from diversified streams. Following this, the industry is putting them in a world class environment, training them at international standards and preparing them for their customers at international levels.

BPO Industry 10 Years From Now: According to a survey done by Business Standards almost 90 % staff of a well known BPO was replaced in a year ' s time. This proves that the retention power of BPO is very less and thus the industry is recruiting newer talents on regular basis.

The Opening Speech Of President Sought - after Fashion With Frank Language

After just charge farewell to a group of hp pavilion dv3000 battery, the college has ushered in a symbol of new maroon. In this " one to one to " between the colleges and universities in the opening ceremony was in authority one after another.

Following this year in July, Huazhong University President Protection Bacon " root Uncle " to a seat close to the life of a speech by students and friends of the sought after, in tidiness to show students the thinking of a pleasing feast, Chengdu, the university president, captain They also own enough of the work under the school speech.

Have initiate Baton to find information for several days delayed, know onions are principals regularly pull the words, hone statement, crack are even out of the " consider - vat. " Take a look at excerpts of their speeches, really Jingxian bounteous unique classical quotations.

Chengdu opening speech principals

It lit the College Forum Posts

" Students, you have come from all over the country recently for a trite zero - - - to take a diploma come together; in turn for a prosaic object - - - to attain a successful long - term, gradually dispersed after. In this to a gateway to the history, let me vouchsafe you a Road loudly: ' perceptible congratulations, thermal embrace! ' "

" Life I, the indigent may be resistant, resistant to the low, cheap can be resistant, resistant to short, fat may be resistant, resistant to murky, even the unseemly can be resistant, solitary - - - vulgar "

" College is you, you are the university! "

" University of tension is the tension between sense of humor, " " strive to ' Chengdu Institute of Technology ' read as ' MIT ' "

School, and these " fleeting stupid, " the opening ceremony of the language began to rage at various universities in the forum and blend it, and fit proverbial by the baking new generation of college students.

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What about the opening ceremony? The test is not single a principal, president of their cleverness, but further reflects the understanding of their students and for university life sentiment.

Sichuan University President Xie Heping chosen the way with idealism and dreams of students who say, in that he believes that " the fantasy represents the initiation, means that the challenges, achievements of desire. " In scheme to trivial the distance between students and Southwest University of Finance and President Zhao Dewu out in a speech before a important " foresee vat " for the college teachers for student work to the speech steel. In the end, we chose to cram new students the first lesson, " learning usage. " In Zhaode Wu, college 4 years may not be able to learn good enough for a pace of knowledge, but to learn good enough for a stage of learning.

Chengdu Institute of Technology has a literary struggle, the University Law School Kingpin M. Chen, in uniformity to make reference to words more humor and sense of the times, he stays up unpunctual for several days, collecting all kinds of information online. Chatted, between actuation, some of the world ' s best language is and an impression on college students.

Of course, the language of the charm is not just " enough for the world ' s best " can be attractive, " frank " can move inside. Opening the ceremony, the President chose to use more " Straight Prate " approach and communicate with students. University of Electronic Science and Technology Chengdu Supplication Daily, a teacher told reporters, when the president at the podium to maintain, " If the dawn of your extravagance, at the end you have to tighten their belts ", that is, the teachers and the students laughed. " It ' s model, which is most of the students puzzled the real life, the best way to change them, that is, started going to school so that they can establish an ideal, that direction. "

The most inspirational speech

The largest gap between people insist on


Sichuan University President Xie Heping Academy

" Inspirational " quotes:

Dreams mean challenge. Dream process, must be hard and challenge themselves in the process. I want to tell students that there are people who dream of the most lovely, while the most honorable action.

We believe that as long as each student has a dream in mind, you can based on reality, the future and move forward, so that the original ordinary life is full of hope, even in the face even greater difficulties, frustrations, but also bravely forward.

To be proud and not proud, tolerant and not indulgence, learn to appreciate from the Golden Age of harmony and strength, insight from the disaster Thanksgiving and strong, know how to have capacity to Heiner, husband to not fight it, the Dimension fight! To establish a good hp pavilion dm3 battery, doing personnel, the ideal person to do successfully.

The smallest gap between people is the IQ, the biggest difference is holding on. As a new generation of Sichuan adults, we must be good looking at the stars, full creative potential, but also insist on a down - to accumulated extensive knowledge, not abandon, do not give up, will fight for in the end.

Most live lecture

The beginning of " extravagance " at the end have to " tighten their belts "


University of Electronic Science and Technology President Wang Jinsong

" Life " Quotations:

Students from your school into the day, you will find around are no longer familiar with the climate and the accent will often never before encountered problems and difficulties at a time when parents are no longer standing in front of your windshield cover rain. Faced with these, you begin to change themselves, started to think independently, to adapt positively. You will find a friend ' s desire to more strongly than before, in front of the stage show is more spacious than before. Faced with these, you start trying to improve themselves, may be more introverted character you originally started the initiative and the teacher, the students communicate, you may not talkative, the ability to start training their own speech, may be lack of interest in sports and students like you begin with basketball and soccer. You must also find most of your freedom than before, and you have independent financial, a lot of free time, Er let me say that indulgence De Xiangshouziyou the Zuitaifengxian is to be " Zi You " Suozuo You, in the " free " in the growth inertia, killing morale. If you are in the beginning of " extravagance " at the end you have to live frugally; the Mood for Love, if you always make the most wanton loss of valuable free time, then you will become repentant pay a painful price. Faced with these, you begin to change, decided to try to control free, beyond the self, you begin to plan your life, self - management, active learning, and soon, you will be free from the mercy of a person into a controlled freedom, let freedom become Successful booster rather than a stumbling block.

The most spicy speech

Universities are not " about to play with you " ( university )


Chengdu University of Technology Law School Dean M. Chen Wen

Spicy Quotations:

Sincerely hope you four years of grammar: will study, conduct themselves. Will read, we should be reading books online and offline; should read the book live, live reading, reading activities; we should listen to the classroom and outside of class; should strive to " Chengdu Institute of Technology, " read as " MIT "; A university should strive to read as two or even more; we must strive to physically read it without an equal emphasis; we should strive to read as gentle boys and girls read as intellectual modesty; we should strive to read it for yourself into either mouth or raising his hand, people clearly see that you have read the University.

Today ' s university, not just thousands of students gathered ants of everyone to learn, more than some people jokingly as the " about you to play with " ( university ), but the widening gap between the school, of large - scale cooperation in the study, a large fusion large cross - school, academic major objectives, motivation, of course, may also be a personal ups and downs of the school.

" Go low to high, " the process is the essence of where the university is the pursuit of life ' s truly valuable. Because the mature end of life will know, our lives, the poor may be resistant, resistant to the poor, cheap can be resistant, resistant to short, fat may be resistant, resistant to black, even the ugly can be resistant, only - - - vulgar.

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Only a short step to a thousand miles to


Sichuan Normal University, President of Land Use

" Cited by the " Quotations:

Southern Song Dynasty, the famous thinker Zhu Xi once said: " determined to not be strong, end of no use, " the famous French writer Guy de Maupassant said: " As long as there is a mind full of endless self - confidence, and then With a strong will and independent uninhibited intelligence, total One day will be successful. " As long as the correct way of learning coupled with persistent efforts, the students will definitely be able to achieve your goals in life and achieve your ideals.

" Paper come Zhongjue light, must know this practice is essential ", the students entered the university to continue learning after the various theories of knowledge, to build a complete theoretical framework, at the same time, but keeps the knowledge of these theories and practice. Xunzi tells us: "...... if the smell does not see and do and know it, if the line is not aware of the ", emphasizing that the importance of practice.

" Cultivation, country and the world " is a scholar of ancient pursuit of life and I still can motivate students to set lofty ideals and aspirations, and working hard. Of course, the light, " looking at the stars " is not enough, it should be " down to earth ", step by step, only the first sweep of a house to sweep the world; only a short step to a thousand miles can be!

The most honest speech

Highlights of the University depends on your " big " science


Southwest University of Finance and President Zhao Dewu

" Frank " Quotations:

University of Life, the University of wonderful, University of landscape, ultimately depends on all of you " big " school.

In the West money, you may not learn the theory of completely practical, but I hope you will grasp the independent, independent thinking ability; may not learn something timeless, but I hope you learn from the knowledge acquired to update knowledge; perhaps not learn enough knowledge of a lifetime, but I hope you embrace life - long learning, to enjoy the concept of learning and, ultimately, into their way of life within.

We know that high scores between candidates with high - quality personnel are not short distance. Currently, the school is promoting a deep thorough teaching paradigm shift, you come just in time. We will work together to change the paradigm of teaching, outstanding ability to highlight academic university teaching modern, democratic and collaborative core idea. Perhaps this description of my university studies will bring you expect the atmosphere of tension, but if you successfully learn from the knowledge and ability to upgrade and expand the quality from passive learning to active learning, from the acceptance of and adaptation to the creation and beyond, collaborative learning from individual learning to change, I believe that this tension being released in the understanding and will inspire endless creativity.

The most practical speech

Hopes that more people graduate program overseas civil service exam......


Sichuan Agricultural University Youliang

" Pragmatic " Quotations:

Ability to remember important than the score, hard important than IQ, and overall quality is more important than anything else.

Students, universities hall, it is melting pot, please be sure to take a good college you every step of every day over a good university. I look forward to, when you graduate, when more students to study out of doors, there are more students into the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Qinghua University and Beijing University and other national " 985 " college graduate ranks, more hp probook 4210s battery admitted to the Central and state organs and party and government departments at all levels to become civil servants, more students into the various types of institutions at all levels, more students become large and medium enterprise management and technical personnel, more students are self - confidence and the ability to take entrepreneurial success. According to the university Web site edition pictures

What a good opening speech?

Mandarin words stereotyped little strange new words and more

Opening Ceremony of the new school to the first class, to also some confusion in the new direction; the same time, opening ceremony, also to the newborn ' s " real ", which placed the school ' s best wishes for every newborn and expectations. Not the same as the impact of a speech to the students is not the same.

In the Southwest University of Finance and should have been doing a good job " was preaching " the preparation, the ceremony took out his cell phone ready to start the Internet Lee students to hear half of the phone could not go on playing: " In the beginning, or some stereotype, but later felt language more interesting, is encouraged. "

Chengdu University of Technology Wang Gang Wen heard a small law school dean ' s speech, hurriedly got the text, the Internet has done a share, " so distinctive speech, humor, constantly, constantly applause, worth recommending. " Wang said, the President ' s speech to us fresh on the first section of a finished palm Baba everyone how no stop to the climax, some students even stood up and applauded to show their respect.

Wang said that although " the school is to call him eight times that day, but not allowed to criticize other people ' s place ", but before the semester begins, the President, through their own way and establish their position in the hearts of everyone, so even after their own right schools to have any dissatisfaction, will be president of the personal charm that probation.

What kind of school speech is good speech? Made a refined assessment of users, " stereotyped Mandarin few strange new words and more words, pay close attention to philosophical and full of passion. "

The Editor

Continue to expect an improvement

This summer of 2010, as " Swatow " constant Speeches, Huazhong University " root Uncle " Lee Bacon angry.

This autumn 2010, Chengdu, president of president of major colleges and universities have also struggled with a similar approach but with different styles, with the hope for the students who had just entered the University of Shang Hao their first lesson.

This was praise, that in addition to Mandarin to stereotyped, narrow the distance with the students; also been demoted, that is just a model, a kind of show. However, from a student hot, some students give up the play in the opening ceremony of the phone ' s original plan, at least their president ' s speech the President is no longer being used to shield the students of Mandarin completely stereotyped. From the " life " of the student, to the " pragmatic " way out graduates, from the " human tide " of hope to the " inspirational - type " to encourage, Chengdu University who heads the President, with the way students are willing to listen to, like students passed the values they wish to transfer.

Perhaps this, there is still flawed, still not perfect, but in the current social environment and system conditions, Chengdu major university presidents, the President who they do, this is an improvement. But it also can do better, so true impact on the hp pavilion tx1000 battery, affecting the overall environment, we will continue to look forward to.

The Student Entrepreneur

Not since the early 1980s has a siring of graduates emerged from university to equivalent a barren job market.

And at prime in previous recessions students passage through higher education was financed by the state, owing to todays forlorn university leavers are cursed with log debts thanks to the introduction of top - up fees. Its a miserable gospel of any slump that childish people are drawn in the catch - 22 spot of being unable to get jobs commensurate with their qualifications for want of experience, but unable to amass close experience without first getting a decent job.

Precarious choices

A survey of the top 100 graduate employers by the Higher Education Statistics Agency recently airy that vacancies have been cut by more than a field ( 28 % ) this year, while roughly one in five ( 19 % ) graduates who have plant undertaking in the three and a half oldness subsequent to initiation university arent in graduate - level jobs.

Debt - ridden and with vacancies at top firms in their field at a premium, feasibly university leavers might be more inclined to consider starting a business instead if you terminology join them, beat them. Maybe those hitherto intent on a sheltered, structured career progression might surmise that in a post - cocktails world, where few are free of fear about their jobs, assets and funds, starting a business is only one of many malignant career choices.

And contrary to what many might moderately assume, starting an enterprise in a withdrawal isnt the equivalent of holidaying in war - torn countries. Quite, it can be more like coming on as a substitute in a football match: as ill - gallop companies commune, kick-off market gaps, you can be the " fresh pair of legs " to capitalise when the market recovers.

Property purchase or rental costs are lower during downturns, while the pool of capacity to engage from is broader and other due to high unemployment. And consumers dont finish buying in recessions, they just buy smarter.

Entrepreneurs that offer value in solid economic times can thrive. Some sectors are uninterrupted recession - proof, oftentimes those selling non - discretionary goods, although evidence abounds that affordable luxuries sell well too.

Reluctant banks

But if finding drudgery is more hard, so too, aye, is generating the business financing to kick - start a wager. Just as employers, drawing on a larger pool of talent, are reluctant to take a chance on the inexperienced, banks withhold credit from all but the surest of sure things and that means, depressingly, entrepreneurs with a track record of success in what some refer to condescendingly as the real world.

What chance does a graduate with scant work experience let alone a background of running businesses and huge debts have of getting credit?

Well, one development is helping young entrepreneurs bridge the finance and experience gap with older business people: the internet.

Dotcom entrepreneurs often emerge from university. If anything, a fifty - something setting up a social network would seem unusual and less credible than a 20 - year - old student.

Gavin Edley, an Open University graduate who funded his copywriting business, Midas Copy, proceeds from the sale of a website he founded while doing his A - levels, believes using the internet " helps level the playing field with people with more experience " in other areas. " It gives you a bit more credibility as a young person. "

The so - called Generation Y have grown up with computers and the internet and are more at ease with both than their parents could ever be. And this is a major trump card to hold, as people increasingly consume news, communicate and, of course, shop online.

An online business can also be set up and operated part - time from home on a comparative shoestring. A website can act as a shop front, negating the need for two huge overheads, retail premises and staff. With the shopping process automated, a dotcom can effectively run itself for long periods.

Its no surprise then that students who moonlight as entrepreneurs invariably choose to set up internet businesses. Gavin Edley, who founded both his enterprises while studying, believes harnessing the web was essential. " In the first year all the custom came through the internet, " he says. " Without it, I dont think I would have been able to build the client - base up. "

American funding

The same undoubtedly applies to a pair of Oxford graduates who last year sold their online auction management company for 2. 5m less than a year after launch. Cousins Kulveer and Harjeet Taggar, 24 and 22 respectively, set up Boso. com while still at university, eating nothing but noodles for six months and living in an apartment devoid of furniture save for mattresses and desks.

The site attracted the attention of US investors so when the site launched in 2007 as Auctomatic it was with American funding and the cousins stationed in plusher surroundings in Silicon Valley. Bob Goodson and Kirill Makharinsky, who founded YouNoodle, a social networking site for entrepreneurs, are another example of Oxford alumni who decamped to the US.

Its a common enough story. While dotcoms are relatively cheap to start if youre building a lifestyle business, the most ambitious entrepreneurs need serious investment, not to mention a supportive business environment and that tends to be more easily found in Silicon Valley than Thames Valley.

Kulveers explanation for their move across the Atlantic was a damning indictment of the UK: " It would have been too expensive and complicated to set up an office and hire staff in London. Getting investment here is a much more protracted process with investors imposing all sorts of constraints.

" It took Y Combinator just 15 minutes to decide to invest in us. When I was emailing Paul Buccheit to talk about investment, he said, how about $50, 000? I replied that $75, 000 would be nicer and he just said, OK, fine. Investors there are more willing to take risks. "

In the computing Mecca that is Silicon Valley, technology companies and universities collaborate frequently, fluidly and harmoniously, with ideas, innovation and talent genuinely flowing both ways. The generous, open - minded investment community, meanwhile, makes for a compelling trinity.

One of the biggest success stories to emerge from a region densely packed with web giants and dotcom start - ups is a social network founded in 2004 by a 20 - year - old Harvard student called Mark Zuckerberg. When Zuckerberg realised the potential of his brainchild, he quit his computer science degree and predictably headed for the dotcom capital of the world.

One year later Facebook, initially set up exclusively for Harvard students, had one million users across the US and five years on has 300 million worldwide.

Given such staggering growth the size of the bids made for Facebook in 2006 from Viacom and Yahoo, $750m and $1bn respectively, seemed eminently reasonable. However, the perverse economics of the net, where an orthodoxy prevails that websites should be free to use, have prevented the worlds most popular social network from being cash - flow positive until recently.

Zuckerberg, who has recently expanded Facebooks staff by 50 percent, is gambling that more intelligent, better targeted advertising will boost ad revenues to levels commensurate with a 300 - million - customer company. If he gets even halfway to this target, the comparatively low overheads of servicing customers globally from a single website means he could rake in billions.

Alternatively, Facebooks nemesis could emerge from the dormitory of a ( probably American ) university and it could go the way of Friends Reunited.

Did Zuckerberg demonstrate youthful naivety when he rebuffed astronomic bids for his company? More like entrepreneurial naivety; after all, many business people would assert that without naivety, theyd have been too beset by worry to go into business in the first place.


Another website to emerge from the Californian dotcom hotbed is the website of all websites, Google. When Stanford PhD students Sergey Brin and Larry Page realised the ramifications of their idea, to develop a program that could filter the still - nascent webs content according to relevance and popularity, they suspended their computer science course to set up Backrub, Googles forerunner, in 1996.

However, the course was ultimately pivotal in sparking arguably and this surely isnt hyperbole one of mankinds most transformative ideas. Larry Page had been writing a dissertation on the World Wide Webs mathematical properties, and his supervisor, Terry Winograd, suggested he focus in particular on its link structure the best advice hed ever received, he says.

If ever a dissertation deserved an A + it was Pages, ultimately giving rise to a concept that has transformed commerce, communication and the dissemination of information, and created new industries, while transforming or destroying others.

And yet sometimes, there seems a tension between academia and real - life business insofar as the academic deals with abstract, theoretical concepts; the entrepreneur in pragmatic solutions to everyday problems. The academic seeks to explain the world according to elegant and unifying but ultimately inflexible and simplistic paradigms; the entrepreneur deals with the world as it is messy, chaotic, uncertain and adapts his approach according to circumstances. The academic extrapolates from written case studies; the entrepreneur learns from his own day - to - day experiences.

This paradox between the disciplines helps explain why dyslexics often struggle at school but thrive as entrepreneurs.

Ben Way, a dotcom millionaire who started his first business aged only 15, found words and numbers unfathomable throughout school and was told by a teacher when he was seven that hed never make anything of himself. Only when he began learning how maths or language applied to everyday life the revelatory moment came when he started calculating how much it would cost him to buy a boat did numbers suddenly acquire meaning.

" Ive since realised that part of the problem with dyslexics is that there has to be a reason for us to do something, " he wrote in the Times. Research by the Cass Business School in London has shown that entrepreneurs are twice as likely to be dyslexic as the rest of the population.

So did the abstract theory taught in his Open University course help Gavin Edley in the unpredictable real world? " A lot of people ask me this, " he admits. " Im glad I did it. It helps you set out a strategic plan, and there are models and theories you can apply to real - life situations. "

However, he adds, " a lot of it was centred towards larger organisations, and you can find relevant information on the net as and when you need it. But the degree adds a bit of credibility to me as a person, shows Ive got a bit of intelligence. "

Although Edley insists that hed still study and set up the business concurrently if he had his time again, he admits that " it was demanding on my time. Given the progress Ive made in the short time since completing the degree, you can see how studying at the same time affected it. "

E - businesses, offering low overheads and low maintenance, have democratised entrepreneurship, broadening access to time - and cash - poor students. More at ease with computers than their elders, twenty - somethings and even teenagers are in the vanguard of innovation on the web, the advent of which has been every bit as epoch - making as the construction of the railways or the invention of television.

Taunts that students dont understand the real world suddenly look a little hollow. Its just a shame that so many of Britains dotcom prodigies defect to Silicon Valley for second - stage investment and support.

As the UK scrambles to compensate for a shrivelled financial sector, its imperative that it keeps its online talent in the country that bore Tim Berners - Lee, the World Wide Webs inventor.