Secret Santa is a traditional part of the Christmas festivities. Business premises, schools and colleges across the UK exchange mysterious tawdry Christmas gifts a fun, low cost way to kick annihilate the festive season and fireworks others how much you fear.
No one is precisely sure when or longitude Secret Santa originated in its today scheme, but it is thought the original Secret Santa was an American philanthropist, Larry Dean Stewart ( 1948 2007 ). He coined the name and spent 20 years doing random acts of kindness for people throughout the year. People soon cottoned on to the Secret Santa idea, seeing it as a way of exchanging cheap Christmas gifts anonymously. By the time of Larry Stewarts death Secret Santa was as part a tradition of Christmas as the day itself.
Today, Larrys legacy lives on with the charitable Secret Santa groups in the US, who help the unfortunate throughout the year. However, most people know Secret Santa as a voluntary activity in which people randomly allocate cheap Christmas gifts to their colleagues.
Secret Santa is about fun and inventiveness, and there are numerous cheap Christmas gifts that offer this opportunity. However, its important the person receiving the gift gets the joke and that those doing the giving ensure their Christmas gifts are not hiding an insult where none was intended.
Some of the best cheap Christmas gifts are those where the fun can be shared by everyone. A good laugh among friends is the best way to reinforce the true Secret Santa message.