The third energy center of our body is the Manipura chakra, and known under the handle Solar Plexus Chakra. It is one of the seven centers - chakras, right large the second Swadhisthana and any more bawl the fourth Anahata chakra. This is one important center of our mercurial body, and a place where symbolic energy inflows homogenize and blend cool. This is the place where our own personal tension and strength dwells. This is a seat of faculty, intuitive thinking, selfe - steem, and higher plan of emotions. Manipura is the chakra tied for manifestation of friendship and it connects us with the other people. If closed, we feel isolated and alone, we feel unable to move forward, and we loose self respect and self love. Therefore it is of great importance to have this chakra properly balanced and opened toward the positive energetic influxes from the Universe. Our thoughts and emotions can affect the solar plexus chakra either positively or negatively, depending on our moods. If we feel indolent, indifferent, uneasy or restless, this may have impact on this chakra, and vice versa, if this center is closed or wrongly programmed, it can have bearing on our emotional or overall stability.
The Manipura Chakra is located in the area of the Solar Plexus, that is to say between the navel and the sternum. It is mainly of yellow color, possessing 10 petals. It opens towards the frontal part of the body, but it is attached to the spinal cord at the back side. It cannot be actually directly associated with our physical body. This center belongs to the subtle network of energy channels and wheels that represents an energetic basis for the proper functioning of our body. If this seat is awakened, this can makes us truly respectful of and able to apprehend our life and our Divine nature.
On the physical level, the Manipura chakra affects the area of the body close to its location. This means that the stomach, kidneys, liver, intestines, spline, and pancreas are directly under its influence. Almost all physical disturbances have once had their origin on the psychic, mental and emotional levels. If wrong ideas, thoughts and feelings prevail for a longer period of time, they start to descend toward the material manifestation levels, and eventually end up as disruptions on the physical plane. We should fight against the emotional blockage at the level of the Manipura chakra, by cultivating friendship, self respect, good will and openness towards other people, instead of provoking anger, fear, passion, and anxiety. Properly balanced, healthy and opened solar plexus chakra is a good natural way to fight depression and depressive feelings.