When looking out for colleges or universities that offer degrees in the shortest possible time, those universities granted stand out that offer life experience degrees. Through a life experience degree program you can get the degree of your choice in the shortest possible time and how short do you think this really could be? Well, did you surpassingly dream of getting a degree in a weeks time or equivalent less yes, thats right in just 5 - 7 days, a degree could be yours!
The point, however, is that these life experience degrees are not worth the paper on which they are written. Entities such as Rochville University or Belford University that offer such degrees are really scams and should be avoided.
Properly accredited colleges and universities do offer online degrees that can be obtained quickly. These colleges take into account any training that you may have undergone while working and have methods to evaluate various training programs and allow transfer of credit for such training but this is always within a specified limit of say a total of 18 credit hours or 16 credit hours and so on.
But all properly accredited online colleges and universities specify more or less the same credit hour requirements for each type of degree that is applicable for traditional degrees. For example, to get an associates degree you have to complete 60 - 64 semester credit hours, which is equivalent to 2 years course work in a traditional college or university. For a bachelors you have to complete 120 - 128 semester credit hours, which is equivalent to 4 years course work in a traditional university and so on. There is really no free lunch available anywhere.
So dont fall for any hype about getting online degrees in the shortest possible time. The chances are that the shorter the program the less valuable it is. But because online degrees allow you the opportunity to work at your pace it is certainly possible for bright and hard working students to complete their degree requirements somewhat faster than what is possible in traditional colleges or universities as traditional schools offer much less flexibility with regard to time.
Some schools such as Kaplan University has programs designed for non - traditional students who are already employed and working in some organization. Some of these programs though accredited and well recognized take somewhat less time than other degrees offered by other schools simply because they allow some transfer of credits earned through on the job training. But such transfer of credits follow rigorous guidelines and have nothing to do with life experience degrees that are nothing but scams.
Hence, to really get value for money, it is a bad idea to look for the quick and easy route to a degree. Hard earned degrees are always a lot more valuable!