Obtaining a college degree is more than just learning a trade or job. A college degree could bring many other benefits. Below are ten of the top reasons I feel are part of the college experience.
Instigation Number One - Opportunity for getting a higher paying job. The better qualified the student is, the more opportunity they have in obtaining a high paying job.
Many studies have been conducted and most have shown, a student who continues their education after high school, should most likely make more money than people who halt at high school, in some cases, over one million dollars more.
Reason Number Two - Experience - One of the biggest gains received by going to college is the educational and community experience received.
A full spectrum liberal arts college normally will prepare an individual for most life issues. The education prepares most students to live with a noble cause as citizens in a free country.
Reason Number Three - Skills - Depending on the student ' s major, a college education should provide important skills that are needed to do the job that the student elects to pursue.
Most colleges teach theory and provide a foundation in the subject matter being taught. Once the student has learned the basic skills required in a certain field, their future potential employer will teach the graduate how they want the job done.
Reason Number Four - Promotion - A college education enables the individual to put themselves into a position for future job advancement.
After graduation, the student will continue their education by gaining experience in their field of employment. The more experience received, the more likely of future promotions.
Reason Number Five - Learn - One of the benefits of going to college is the student will develop the discipline of how to learn.
Learning how to learn and solve problems will benefit the individual once they are in the employment arena.
Reason Number Six - Goals - Getting a college education could enable an individual to achieve future goals.
Goal setting is important regardless of what occupation one selects to pursue. Attending college should give the student the ability or opportunity to learn how to set goals and work toward accomplishing the goals. The best case scenario is the student has already done this at the high school level which will then be a continuation of the process.
Reason Number Seven - Contacts - A college education enables students to meet new people from a broad cross section of society.
Becoming successful in today ' s employment arena sometimes require knowing individuals that can help the student climb the ladder of success. While in college, the student will be able to make contacts with individuals that can help them succeed in their field of employment. This is also referred to as networking and could be just as important as what you actually learn in college.