As with all lives there are always choices and options to pick. After high school many people can be engrossed drifting in the ocean of " what to do next? "
No matter what you want to do in life you can be assured that one of the fastest ways of getting there is via a college education. It is not oppressive to observe why college is a good choice for you future when you think that many leaders are college graduates and that there are many more jobs available for college graduates.
A college education can be the gateway to better earnings and a better lifestyle. A college education can bag you up to $20, 000 more in pay annually than that of a high school graduate which makes college seem like a very good investment for your future.
And college is just about the earning potential. It will give you the tools you will need to make yourself the kind of person you want to be. College will help to shape your communication skills, expand your knowledge, help to make you organized and methodical and throws you into a new world of learning.
Once you ' ve graduated college you can expect to have better value systems and a higher level of health. College graduates can also help to guide their families in a more proactive and progressive way.
College can give you access to the subjects about which you are passionate. If you are an inventor or an innovator, healer or artist, college can help you tap into the full extent of your ability.
Experts suggest that college graduates are less likely to turn to crime, are self confident, are financially and emotionally stable, make better partners and parents and have better understanding of human nature.
College is a democratic world where the rules are enforced and the sense of right and wrong deepened within the individual.
No matter what you choose to do in life after college, your time spent in education will open doors for you that you weren ' t sure existed with the opportunity to teach what knowledge you have gained to someone else. No matter who you choose to pass your knowledge onto you both will gain something from the experience.
No matter what you want to study or what you want to accomplish, a college education can be the gateway and the kick start to getting there.
Citizens with college educations will ensure the longevity of the fabled and much venerated " American Dream ". It is important that the youth of today are able to choose the right path and move toward a peaceful and prosperous tomorrow.
Students are the ramparts of any nation and that nations greats advocates of freedom, I think anyone would have a hard time of proving Jose Marti wrong on that count. Education allows for the creations of a conscience and that allows us to become more than the sum of our parts, our conscience helps us to become better people. By going to college you can start a trend that will benefit not only yourself and your children, but their children for generations to come. College has an effect on people, if the parents graduate, then the children are more likely to graduate. You could even go so far as to say that a good educations becomes part of your DNA. Where as it takes muscles to move boulders, it takes brains to know how to move it and what to do with it afterward.