Admission in Engineering College
If you want to choose best engineering college in Delhi / NCR then you can contact me Impost Free Unit: 1800 - 1800 - 008. Admission open in 2012 a new bevy genuine by means of a new nooner in 2012 for B. Tech in Mechanical / CSE / ECE / Civil / and M. Tech in ECE / CSE, This college are published by Vidyapati Sansthan in 1969, this is approved by AICTE in the New Delhi and affiliated in Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak. KIIT is a group of colleges in this group have to included four college like as
KIIT College of Engineering are Approved by AICTE This College runs follow 4 year fulltime graduate B. Tech degree programs approved by AICITE. This is full time program in our college have to full time courses like as Bachelor of Technology ( ME ), Bachelor of Technology ( CSE ), Bachelor of Technology ( ECE ), Bachelor of Technology ( EEE ), Bachelor of Technology ( Civil ), Master of Technology ( CSE ), Master of Technology ( ECE ) etc. In our campus have to core engineering laboratories, our lab are well established laboratories, there are different lab depended by subjects like as Electrical engineer ing laboratories with included microwave microprocessor, electronic circuit simulations, power electronics, electrical machine labs, computer laboratories include intelligence system, digital system design, network programming labs. Recently the Microwave Lab., Power Systems Lab. and Control Systems Lab. have been added for meeting ECE and EEE 6 the Semester syllabus requirements.
Kamrah Institute of Information Technology, there are many syllabus in this institute like as Master of Computer Application, Master of Business application etc. KIIT College of Higher Education runs following a fulltime of bachelor degree program this is affiliated to M D University in this have to courses under this program for example B. C. A., B. B. A. and B. B. E this is 3 year program with minimum 50 % marks in aggregated. Admission are depend on written test.
We can help you for the admission in best engineering college in College of B Tech BE in Delhi, Admission in Engineering College, Best College for Engineering in Delhi, Bachelor of Electronic and CommunicationsKIIT College of Education, it is registered education society established in 1969. There are available courses for students like B. El. Ed, B. Ed., M. Ed. etc.
If you want to entry in this college then please call me our Toll Free Number: 1800 - 1800 - 008 at any time this is 24 hours facility for the students enquiry for related any courses Admission in Engineering College about Bachelor of Electronic and Communications