One very snappy organization which finds an abundance of readers online is that of " colleges and universities " and best of all folks of all ages peruse these articles. Consider if you will all the kids in college, all those who ' ve gone to college, want to go back to college, work for academic institutions, or somehow are involved in the sector. Just so, that ' s a lot of folks indeed, and most of this crowd is highly literate and they all seem to have personal tech devices constantly connected to hunk and all online content. Okay so, lease ' s say shall we?
You scan, over the years, I have authored a ton of articles on colleges and universities and related topics. Consider if you will all the sub - categories, quickie segments, and on - energy new developments such as online lectures and e - Texbooks for instance. That right there is good for wholly a few articles, and might I ask why no one is writing reviews for online professor university level lectures? We have online reviews for movies, video games, e - Books, and every product under the sun, why not reviews for online lectures? Why not write some articles in that venue? What about things like;
Student Loans
Best Business Colleges
College Life
Dealing with Dorm Room Mates
Sports Programs
Entrance Exams
Textbook Costs
Research Studies
Technical Colleges
For - Profit - Colleges
On - going Education Requirements
Colleges of the Future
Best Degrees for Getting a Job
Out of State Colleges
Foreign Exchange Programs
Are you beginning to see the possibilities here? Now that I think about it, even though I have over 100 articles on college topics, I see I can even write some more. Indeed, I cannot do this all by myself, I could certainly use some help from my fellow article authors to help me fill the gaps. In fact, if you will consider some of the subtopics I have written above then you can come up with four or five more of your own.
Whereas there are other people writing on this subject matter there certainly aren ' t enough articles on these topics to quench the thirst of the Internet. Make sure that you have your target market in mind, and if you are writing to students do write from their perspective, and always title your articles as questions they might pose or ask into the search engine search bar. This way they can find your article.
Best of all, you don ' t have to dummy down your article to an eighth grade reading level, as this group of people are a little more sophisticated and actually enjoy being challenged with an upper - end vocabulary. That makes it kind of fun and challenging too. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.