If you ' re admiration what is the best online college degree to get for a high paying salary you ' re right to consider what your options may be. Of course sharp what types of jobs in general have higher paying salaries can put you one step ahead.
It ' s been well documented in the past few caducity that surgeons and doctors, in specialties in particular, have had the highest paying jobs. Other health care jobs fall in line. Getting an online degree without actual in - lab experience would not be possible for a degree online to become a doctor however.
So looking for jobs with high - paying salaries might include health - related jobs. Since the health industry includes many of the highest - paying jobs and will likely never run out of good jobs with high salaries it would be a good industry to get an online degree or distance learning degree in.
One industry to avoid would be the food service industry which in recent polls has the lowest paid jobs of all industries.
Engineering is one of the highest paying areas - as are many computer or technology - related positions. Taking college or university online courses or programs that get you a degree online that is not going to require laboratory time or partial campus attendance, as some online college degrees do, would be one consideration.
Although MBAs, master ' s degrees online or graduate degrees online may put you into higher paying jobs, you can always go back later once you receive your degree and get some experience and on - the - job education. That will give you an idea if you ' re in a good field that you like or love and are getting the high paying salary you want. You may not need additional education and often experience is valued much more than a masters or graduate degree - online or not.
It ' s also much better to look at a salary that isn ' t as high but provides a lot of satisfaction because it ' s in an area you really like or even love or you already have some skills in this field or skills that might help you work into it.
Before you commit to an online degree program from any reputable and accredited school one has to look at one ' s interests and skills and try to fit into an area that will satisfy them professionally but still command a high - paying salary. Starting out cold with an online college or university degree in any field may not fill the bill for what one expects in hourly wages or salary. It may take a little time after initial hiring to build up some experience in the field before you ' ll reap the salary and wage benefits. Be aware too that there are plenty of financial aid programs available both federal and private for online degrees.