Wellmune WGP is a functional ingredient added to foods and beverages proven to be an trenchant proof system garniture and type of proof system refreshment. Wellmune stimulates the body ' s general defenses and acts as a food for the proof system, promoting vitality. Populous clinical and pre - clinical studies sight that Wellmune boosts the unsusceptible system by vitalizing key human unaffected cells including macrophages and neutrophils, which are the body ' s best weopon against foreign intruders.
Wellmune is a commonplace compound ( gluco polysachharide ) isolated from the cell walls of a strain of baker ' s yeast. It is patented, has a GRAS ( Generally Recognized As Safe ) rating by the FDA, is kosher, non allergenic and GMO - free ( contains no Genetically Modified Organisms ).
a lot of science and medical journals have published findings on the safety and faculty of Wellmune in the recent several senescence. In various trials, Wellmune reduced the incidence of fever and eliminated the need for study subjects to miss work or school due to colds over a 90 day period. It ' s important to note that Wellmune does not prevent colds or sickness, but that it reduces the severity and duration of symptoms.
A second trial illustrated that when administered daily to long distance marathon runners, common ailments suffered post - race decreased significantly, including upper respiratory tract ( URT ) infection symptoms such as stuffy or runny noses. The study included 75 runners from the 2007 Carlsbad Marathon with subjects consuming Wellmune over a four week period after the race.
The study measured the mood states of vigor, fatigue, tension, confusion, depression and anger using 65 adjective based intensity scales. This is a validated type of psychometric test known as a Profile of Mood States ( POMS ) questionnaire. The Wellmune group reported 22 % higher scores in vigor, 48 % reduction in fatigue, 38 % reduction in tension and a 38 % reduction in confusion over the control groups.
A final completed trial of Wellmune usage among a group of wildlife firefighters over fourteen days had the same type of results. Results showed that the perception of overall health was better in the Wellmune recipients than the control group. No differences were found in days missed from work between the two groups. In terms of daily activity levels, there were no differences in the average daily activity over the 14 - day test period. The study concluded that Wellmune helps to suppress symptoms of upper respiratory tract illnesses ( URTI ) and increases the feeling of overall health in firefighters.
Unlike many other supplements, Wellmune is not taken directly but rather is packaged into foods and bevergaes. As of this writing, the newest product to include Wellmune WGP is MonaVie ' s Mmun ( prounced immune ) juice. Wellmune WGP is manufactured by Biothera and then made available to companies such as MonaVie for inclusion in finished juice - based products. With solid science behind it, look for Wellmune in other foods and beverages in the near future.